Street Map

 Main town bridge, built 1667. Its Rarity is the fact that buildings run along its length  
 Blue House , built 1726 as a almshouse and boys' school  
 Cheap Street  and Apple Alley . Part of the original medieval street plan of Frome. Tudor buildings lining a narrow street with an open leet running down the centre  
 St. John's Church: Has an impressive Via Crucis on one approach.  
5  Gentle Street: Cobbled street lined by 16th-18th century houses. Once was one of the main avenues to the centre of town.  
6  Rock Lane Chapel: Built in 1707 and recently restored.  
7 Shepherd's Barton: A 18th centre street of workers town houses.  
8  Catherine Hill: Frome's natorious steep cobbled street. Once was the main shopping area of the Town.  
9  Trinity: An extensive area of early industrial housing (late 17th)  
10 Welshmill: The site of one of the many mills that once derived power from the river Frome 
11 Cheese and Grain: Venue for community events. 
12 Skateboard Park: Skate, board and bike park next to the Cheese and Grain.

This information was supplied by D J Steward

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