Monday 3 March 2014

It's Curtains

There is an upholsterer and draper business in Frome that is old school.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Something for Frome to think about

The banning of "A boards" that stick out and block walkways. Some of Frome's pavements are very narrow and then shopkeepers unkindly stick "A boards" out forcing walkers on to the busy and narrow pavements to be forced to step oy on the busy road just to pass.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Cuckoo Hill Homes

FAMILIES living in the Packsaddle area of Frome are mounting a campaign to stop 107 homes being built on a field near their homes.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Pictures of Shame

Frome’s speed cameras will be switched back on

How can we stop the camera catching us?  Scroll down to the bottom. 

FIXED safety cameras will soon be switched back on in Somerset after Somerset County Council agreed to sell the cameras to Avon & Somerset Constabulary for £1 each.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Humble Beginings

Tree Damaged 5 Cars

Although Center Parcs are actually closer to Warminster in Wiltshire, many of those working at the centre also come from Frome in Somerset. Plus many who pop in for a few days break also live locally in both counties.

Here is an account about some Fromies taking a break in Center Parcs (Longleat) and who parked their car in the grounds official car-park of Center Parcs. A tree fell on their car.

As presented on the blog about Westbury and Wiltshire. 

   I can find nothing about this in any of the local rags and the reason I know about it is that a friend had his white Skoda parked there last weekend and a tree fell on top of it...... There were 5 cars damaged. But it is strange that nothing has leaked into the local press isn't it?

What is worse for those with the damaged vehicles is that Center parcs are not willing to pay out. Parking at own risk. But without a vehicle you could never get to Center Parcs near Longleat. (Center of picture)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Longleat culls six lions

I could not believe this when I first heard about it. I thought it was a false story spread about to put people off visiting Longleat. But alas, sadly it is true. This was in the Guardian.

One of Britain's most popular safari parks has come under criticism after it emerged that it had destroyed six of its lions because of a large increase in pregnancies. (TheGardaian)

Sunday 9 February 2014

Grow Your Own Food?

How composting helps your garden grow.

Almost a third of the waste from households around Frome could be home composted, making good use of some foods – fruit and vegetable peelings, egg shells, tea bags and coffee grounds – and a little shredded card or paper as well as all those prunings, cuttings, clippings and more.

Where has all the food gone?

There was a protest song from the '60 ~ "Where have all the flowers gone?".

But that had to do with war. We can echo those words again. This time to do with rain. Have you really considered it? If they cant plant, how long will food stocks last until we have no more food to share? Don't worry about sending food parcels elsewhere. We will have to share within our community.

Now is the time for us to search out an answer. To find out when there will be better times. Where can we start for that? We have to start somewhere. But where? Here is a helpful suggestion.

Crazy new Craze

The sobering reality of online drinking games.

"Neck-or-nominate" takes the form of a dare, in which the participant quickly downs a large quantity of alcohol or spirit and then nominates someone else to do the same. If that person is unable to post a video of themselves "necking" a similar quantity of booze they must consider themselves "shamed".

Like most crazes, this drink challenge game is most popular among younger people, vast numbers of whom are reported to be "necking and nominating" all over the world. That's because it all takes place online, guaranteeing huge audiences and, for the victor, much glory. For the so-called vanquished, one assumes shame and humiliation follows.

Go Wild in Frome

Go wild in new countryside project

By Somerset Standard  |  Posted: February 09, 2014

A NEW project has been launched designed to help people enjoy and understand more about wildlife close to where they live.

Wild in Frome has been launched by Simon Carpenter, who described himself as an enthusiastic amateur field naturalist and has been interested in wildlife all his life.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Friday 31 January 2014

Crime on the increase?

According to an article in the Frome Standard England feels Frome is so safe that they are closing the Police Station.

Quoting the article (link below)

So yes I am saddened about the imminent destruction of our police station. However, I am a realist and have known for years that this was on the cards and also see that it makes financial sense to sell the land and downsize. However, I feel it has been handled in a very poor manner and as we approach "destruction day" we are still not told where "our" new station will be.

We are told that there may be a desk in the library. Great. Easy access and a good place for people to report minor matters or perhaps hand their documents in for examination. But it is not a police station. Maybe "we" will share with our social work colleagues in the old public office in Christchurch Street West or maybe we will share the Enterprise centre on Manor Road? Who knows? Surely somebody does and yet we are not told.

Bath Police Station is going to close. Lots of stations are coming to the end of their life. But, and this is the crucial thing, especially for the people of Frome, rather than worry about car parking charges, or what supermarket is to move into the town, ask yourself how you would feel if the 24/7 local emergency cover that the police currently provide was replaced with a local community team of a few police officers and a team of PCSOs who would not operate after midnight. I hasten to add, I truly respect the work that they do.

Read more:

When that crime wave starts and it is bound to now, who will be there to protect the people of Frome? Where does the police help come from?

Monday 27 January 2014

The way of the Dodo

High Street Estate agencies; are they going the way of the Dodo?

All definitely need to watch out the small print on contract belonging to High Street Estate agencies. Take a tip: never believe that "our contract is the same as all others." "If you had one estate agent and all the others have the same rules". NEVER!! Or, "You really don't need to read the rules on the contract. They are stacked in your favour anyway". Then they chatter their dribble as you try to read the rules. High Street Estate Agencies have contracts that are not in the sellers favour. They are worded in a way that may be most misleading.

The cost of having a High Street Estate agent is high. 1% being the lowest and 2.5% may be the highest. Work that out according to the value of your property and you could be paying them a tidy sum. (Oh plus 20% VAT)

At 1% you pay them £1,000 on every £100,000 plus 20% VAT
At 2.5% you have to pay them £2,500 on each £100,000 plus 20% VAT.

Say you sell your house for £200,000 at 2.5% they get from you £5,000 plus £1,000 VAT.

Can you afford that?  

Sunday 26 January 2014

Open to the elements

There is an area where it is not safe to leave valuable things in a garden shed.

Saturday 25 January 2014

And 3 weeks later

Mail Depot Closes

Jobs threat in closure of Frome mail depot
By Somerset Standard  |  Posted: January 25, 2014

A Frome parcel delivery service will close in March with about 30 jobs under threat.

UK Mail, based on the Vallis Mill Trading Estate, has been run as a franchise for the past 20 years by Martin Ward and his wife Carmel.

The couple will retire in March but had wanted to sell the business, safeguarding jobs, but UK Mail said it no longer takes part in a franchise scheme and will take the business back into its corporate stream.

Friday 24 January 2014

Saxonvale and what next?

FROME Town Council recommended refusal on the outline planning application to build a supermarket, shops, offices, car parking, hotel and a public square on derelict land at Saxonvale in Frome last night.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Catherine Hill

Interesting article about this shop and it's owner on this LINK Mail Online.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Frome under water

Today a friend showed me a newspaper cutting from the Frome Standard showing her home. The flood waters were stopping all traffic in that area. She said " I look out of my window and say as motorists drive into the water; "Don't do it!" but they do and they get stuck with the water over the bonnet. Then they get out and the water is so deep."

Having lived near this area, I have been driving around to miss it out.

Here are some pictures as found in the Frome Standard.

Our son lived very near here. 

The above pictures are on the map area where the road is badly flooded. 

The following pictures are in an unknown area???

Friday 17 January 2014

Flooded Frome?

It seems some years since Frome has been flooded. In these torrential rain storms of January 2014 the town has remained flood free.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Goodbye to Papa Smurf'

Jenson Button's father dies aged 70 of suspected heart attack.
The Button family were previously from Frome. Recently living in warmer climes.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Poundstretcher closes

Six Jobs lost and also cheap shopping.

ONE of Frome's oldest shops will close its doors in two weeks, with the six jobs at the store hanging in the balance.

Staff at Poundstretcher, in Stony Street, were told just before Christmas that there was a proposal for the store to close and they were being put into a consultation process.

She said: "We can confirm that the store will now close on January 18. The consultation process with staff is in progress and so it is not possible to comment further at this time.

"The store employs six people and our aim, through the consultation process, is to offer them alternative positions within the area, should the store ultimately close. | Read more:

Saxonvale will damage local trading. Read More: What is this about?

Thursday 2 January 2014

60 Homes Planned

Plan 1 / Welshmill Lane
(2 Jan 2014)

Plans have been submitted to Mendip District Council for the homes, 
in Welshmill Lane 

 Proposals have been put forward by the Yarlington Housing Group, a not-for-profit organisation based in Yeovil, to build 32, two and three-storey affordable new apartments and family houses, alterations and improvements to vehicular access to the Welshmill Lane site.

The company is a registered provider of affordable homes and first gained planning permission for up to 37 homes in 2011.

The site, which covers just over one acre, was formerly CEP Ceilings Ltd and Yarlington was recently granted planning approval to clear the old factory.

If the application is given the go-ahead there will be two three-storey buildings consisting of 12 units in each block, which will be social housing, and eight two-storey homes, which will be shared ownership properties.

Plan 2 / Little Keyford Lane.